Tuesday, December 23, 2008

"Stiff" (Chunks 1&2)

Mary Roach's "Stiff" expresses the gift of donating cadavers to science. She exemplifies the common use of euphemisms that people use to detour from the actual gore of certain aspects of life as well as mortuary businesses. [I.e. "It's the reason most of us prefer a pork chop to a slice of a whole suckling pig. It's the reason we say 'pork' and 'beef' in stead of 'pig' and 'cow' (page 21) ... and, "Don't say stiff, corpse, cadaver...Say descendant, remains, or Mr.Blank..."(page 77).] Throughout this section Roach illustrates her humorous and ironic views of cadavers with her beliefs as well as anecdotes used as support from credible sources that she seeks when visiting certain anatomy and impact labs.

Why does Roach use "black box" to explain the lost of an airplane in the ocean?

Do you think you would ever consider being a donated cadaver? [Use knowledge from the previous chapters to help with your answer(s)]


  1. Clarification:
    Roach uses black box because the black box is what is left of any plane after it crashes. She did not simply coin the term for her book, the black box essentially what remains intact after a plane crash.

    Never ever never in my life would I donate my body to science. I plan on being buried or cremated, it's just that simple. After reading that bodies could be used to plump peoples lips and for face lifts or whatever plastic surgery people get, I'd rather chill and deteriate in a nice mahogany casket with burgundy satin insides. Ha!

  2. Clarification

    I am sure that Ashely is right about the black box thing. The black box, I suppose , is like somesort of memory thing that logs the actions taken by the operators of the plane. But I'm still not one hundred percent sure.


    No, I would not want to donate by body to science after I die. I do not whish for a piece of me to be hanging of someone's but cheeks, or anywhere else for that matter. Ashley's ideas sounds great.

  3. Wow- Akeema- in some ways I agree with your comment- but what if everyone were so self serving? Imagine how many things we would not have-- os would not be so precise as to not have cadaver or organ translplants and donations for that matter. Perhaps you will reconsider with age. Perhaps I might as well! It is truly something to ponder-- the generosity of others that has allowed for so many advancements in medical technology and medicine in general.
